Travel Baseball

The West Orange PAL Mustangs play in the United States Amateur Baseball League, which is comprised of over 2,500 teams in the New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, and the New York metro area for the spring, summer, and fall seasons. There are playoffs, Championship, a chance to qualify for the USABL League World Series. Teams are placed by skill and location, teaching the value of competition and good sportsmanship. Teams enter at least one USABL Tournament in the spring or summer season.Team selection is based on skillset and baseball knowledge.
Location: PAL Baseball Field
This division is played on a 46/60 little league diamond. (46/60 diamond means 46’ from pitching mound to home plate and 60’ between bases). Standard little league rules apply with modifications for 7U. Coaches pitch the first two & last two innings; players pitch the 3rd and 4th innings. This program is built to teach the fundamentals of baseball, competition, teamwork and sportsmanship. Practice is required and you can expect 2-3 practices a week in order to prepare the players for the next level.PITCH (4 BALLS AND 3 STRIK
LITTLE LEAGUE (ages 8 – 10 year olds)
Location: PAL Baseball Field
This division is played on a 46/60 little league diamond. (46/60 diamond means 46’ from pitching mound to home plate and 60’ between bases). Standard little league rules apply with modified pitching rules. This program builds on the fundamentals of baseball progressing from 7U through 10U. Teams participate in League and Tournament play. Practice is required and you can expect 3-4 practices a week in order to prepare the players for the next level.
50/70 TRAVEL LITTLE LEAGUE (ages 11-12 years old)
Location: PAL Field, Degnan Park, Colgate Field
This division develops the skills learned in Traditional Little League and focuses on the transition from 46/60 to the big diamond. Leading and stealing off the pitcher's motion and balks are introduced on a 50/70 field (pitching mound 50’ to home plate and base paths are 70’). The concept of the 50/70 design is to bring high school rules to a manageable field size, allowing players to transition for success in high school on the 60/90 diamond. As you advance from each division it takes you one step closer to true baseball. Playing time is not guaranteed. Teams participate in League and Tournament play.
Location: West Orange High School
The objective of this program is to provide players the opportunity to stay involved in organized baseball while sharpening their skils against local competition. Playing on a real full size field (60/90), players will engage in different aspects of the game using regulation baseball rules. This program prepares players for high school play and a greater respect for the game of baseball. Playing time is not guaranteed. The team has an annual tradition of playing Verona at the Home of Baseball: Doubleday Field Cooperstown, NY. This annual event includes a visit to the Baseball Hall of Fame and tour of the flagship Baseballism store.
Select Tournament Teams - 10U & 12U
Location: PAL Field
The objective of this program is to provide players supplemental opportunities to the spring league season. Best of the best 9-12 years are selected to represent West Orange in tournaments. Teams practice 1-2 days per week with tournaments on weekends. Tournaments will be in USABL, Diamond Nation, and/or Perfect Game (PG).
COMING Soon for 2025
Learn about West Orange PAL joining Williamsport Little League!
Important Links
Spring Team Tryout Schedule
NEW West Orange PAL is looking for players interested in the Williamsport Little League. Players must be registered with the WOPAL. Contact for more details. Ages 7-12.
Register Here to Participate in Tryouts:
Baseball Registration Fee: 7U-12U Teams: $630 (includes Winter training at Peralta Baseball)
Tournament players, $750
Mustangs2Mountaineers Tourney Team: 13-14U: $TBA
Contact the PAL if you are unable to attend tryouts.
Games will be as follows, but subject to change dependent on team/field availability: 7U-12U: Sundays
Practices will be determined by coaches
Mustangs2Mountaineers Tournament Only Team: 13-14U
- Will be selected by and coached by WOHS &WOPAL volunteer staff
- Team will participate in Winter Training sessions January-February
- Team will have Winter Conditioning sessions at The LAB January - February
- Team will participate in Diamond Nation, USABL, and PG Tournaments
WO Baseball team must be your priority team for Spring and Summer teams. Tournaments can run Friday-Sunday. Playing Time is earned - not guaranteed.
Common Questions:
When does practice start?
Spring Season:
The Spring season begins with tryouts in October/November, winter training in January & February and the season running through mid June.
Winter training is 1 day a week during January and February. There is also winter clinics with the WOHS staff 1 day a week. In March practices move outdoors with 3-4 practices a week and games on weekends (usually Sunday).
Summer Season:
Summer rosters are selected in May with practices and games picking up at the conclusion of the Spring season. There are typically 2 games a week, with 2-3 practices during the week/weekend. The season concludes at the end of July.
Fall Season:
The Fall season begins with tryouts in August and the game season beginning in September. Teams practice 2-3 days a week with games on weekends (usually Saturday). *The Fall Ball program works around the PAL Football schedule; if a team has a significant number of players on 1 soccer team, additional baseball practices may be added to accommodate the soccer schedule. Baseball games, once scheduled, can not be moved due to limited field availability.
Do I need my own equipment?
Yes. Players will order their customized game jerseys, hats, & warm up shirts. You will also need to provide a navy belt, navy socks, white baseball pants, and cleats/sneakers, batting gloves, etc. While the PAL does have equipment most players provide their own mitt, bat, helmet, cleats, etc.
How is playing time determined?
The WO PAL is a competitive town travel baseball program. Playing time may vary as the season progresses. It is not guaranteed. We believe in developing players through practices but game time decisions can vary on a number of factors. Tournament and Playoff games MAY be coached differently than regular season games.
How do I contact the coach?
Each team will have a TeamSnap account which will allow you to reach out to the coaches.
What league do you play in?
The PAL participates in the United States Amateur Baseball League (USABL). Teams also compete in tournaments in the spring. In the summer, teams may play in the New Providence Summer League. Our 12U 50/70 team will participate in the Ripken Experience in Aberdeen, MD and the 13U/14U teams play at the historic Doubleday Field in Cooperstown, NY.
How do I get involved in the PAL Baseball Program?
PAL is always looking for volunteers to help promote and create a positive experience for the youth of West Orange. Volunteer options include but are not limited to coaching, game day support, field maintenance, public relations and fundraising.
To get involved or for additional information, please e-mail